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Blog van rein

Augmented reality experiments part 2

rein vr, 05/07/2010 - 15:02

We did some new experiments with augmented reality and used the cam-image as marker overlay. You can download the software with the results of our experiments. It was made with processing and the NyARToolkit. We did some modifications to let it work with GStreamer.
The software is developed and tested with Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) but the untested versions for Windows and OSX should also work.


  • Download the software for your OS (Linux, Windows, OSX)
  • Download the marker (here)
  • Send the marker to your printer
  • Glue the printed marker to a piece of cardboard
  • Start the software and put the marker before the camera

Have fun!

AR Dev Camp

rein di, 04/06/2010 - 19:42

AR Dev Camp - After nearly 20 years in the research labs, Augmented Reality is taking shape as one of the next major waves of Internet innovation, overlaying and infusing the physical world with digital media, information and experiences. We believe AR must be fundamentally open, interoperable, extensible, and accessible to all, so that it can create the kinds of opportunities for expressiveness, communication, business and social good that we enjoy on the web and Internet today. As one step toward this goal of an Open AR web, we are organizing AR DevCamps technical sessions and hacking opportunities in an open format, BarCamp style.

The first Augmented Reality Development Camp (AR DevCamp) took place Saturday December 5, 2009 at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View CA and simultaneously in New York City and Manchester, U.K.!
AR Dev Camp Amsterdam is a day-long event for Augmented Reality experts and novices alike, hosted at Mediamatic Bank. They have place for one hundred participants! [Mediamatic]

Vliegklaar maken van RC + UAS planes

rein wo, 03/24/2010 - 19:50

De lente is begonnen en daar zijn de Mechanische Apen erg blij mee. Op tweede paasdag gaan we bij Theo onze vliegtuigen vliegklaar maken zodat we in de loop van de maand met het 'echte vliegwerk' kunnen beginnen. Maandag is iedereen dus welkom in Villa Grijpsheert om de laatste hand te leggen aan het vliegend materieel.

Super Jean Francois Plomb in concert live at TMA!

rein za, 03/20/2010 - 13:21

Aanstaande dinsdag 23-3-2010 is er in Villa Grijpsheert vanaf 21.00 uur een optreden van Super Jean Francois Plomb en Mathias Forge. Deze franse muziekkunstenaars maken gebruik van een aantal zeer speciale Theo's mechanische aap verantwoorde muziekinstrumenten. De zaal is open vanaf 20.00 uur. De toegang is vijf euro.
